Today was our 20 week ultrasound and everything was fantastic. I was great to see Jennifer's ovaries shrinking from softball to about raquetball after the many shots during the IVF process. We also got to see the baby once again and he has gotten much bigger in the past 5 weeks.
We also got complete confirmation that "he" is in fact, a "he." Previously, Jennifer had done extensive research and came to the conclusion that it is very difficult to determine the sex of a child at week 15. I rebutted her discovery by using the evidence of the Week 15 unltrasound and the experience and expertise of the technician. She is a 15-year veteran of the ultrasound machine, so I believe that she knows what she is looking at despite any limited development up to Week 15....
Here is the picture of the day:

Case Closed.
As stated in a previous blog, I stated that I would cover the names sent in to me over the past several weeks. Sadly, only my own mother and her friends gave us ideas. And here they are:
Jacob Scott- pretty good start, but denied...
Jacob Wade- Boggs = Red Sox. Nope.
Jacob Tyler- Not bad...
Jacob Shawn- Missing the flow.
Jacob Stone- Umm... No comment. Check that- horrible.
Jacob Connor- Jennifer's friend's son is named Connor. Out.
Jacob Ryan- Jennifer's ex-boyfriend's name. Out.
Jacob Lee- Not digging the Lee...
Jacob Dillon- I like (spelled Dylan- like the singer of The Wallflowers)- vetoed by Jen.
So it's decided- Jacob Alex, right? Wrong. Out of nowhere, Jacob Matthew. Jennifer came across this combo recently and really liked the way it flowed. She also liked that it was similar to Michael (Like Gabriel Michael), and it had BOTH of our initials in the name (JMR). All really great reasons for Jacob Matthew, but what about the New York Yankees reference? I have scoured the record books looking for a Matt or Matthew to lend itself to the name and came up with nothing...
I had to turn to another passion of mine: music. Easily, I can come up with a couple of favorites from my iPod- Matt Nathanson and Mat Kearney. Both of these guys have a great sound and moreover, Jennifer likes them both as well.
Just like that old horse racing phrase, "out of the clouds, from last to first," Jacob Matthew wins... We welcome you with open arms and will be monograming pillows and photo frames for you soon as we await your arrival. See you soon, Jacob Matthew!