Saturday, October 25, 2008

First Thoughts of My New Macbook

Well- it is now time to discuss my thoughts on the new Macbook. Initially, I was going to purchase the $1599 Macbook, but ended up ordering the $1299 Macbook. The main reason I wanted the high-end Macbook was for the backlit keyboard. The only other benefits were the 2.4MHz processor (mine has 2.0MHz) and a 250GB hard drive (mine is 160GB). I figured that I am not going to push the computer to its fullest capacity terribly often (if ever) and I can always upgrade the hard drive for $100 anytime and save the money for now. It came down to paying an additional $300 for a backlit keyboard.

After a lot of deliberation I realized that I have never had a backlit keyboard on a laptop before. I figured it's like a keyless entry system on a car. Before I had ever had a car with a keyless entry system, I had no idea how wonderful it was. Honestly, I never thought about constantly having to insert the key, turn, and remove before opening the door. I didn't bother me all that much and I was content going about my merry way. Then I bought my first car with the remote and was immediately amazed by it. In fact, I eventually forgot the days where I had to use the key at all. Now that I have it, I will never buy another car without it.

I rationalized that since I have never used the backlit keys, I really didn't know what I was missing and therefore, could still enjoy a new laptop without it. Next time may be different, but in this case, I can touch-type for the most part and ignorance is bliss, right?

Anyway, lets get back to another key point. The idea of ordering the Macbook. Ordered? Yes, ordered. You see, Tennessee has a 9.75% sales tax, so if I were to buy it at the Apple Store, it would have cost an additional $130. Always looking for a bargain, I was able to order it from (which also gave me a $5 rebate!).

Opening the box, my excitement was at an all-time high. After lifting the lid, I pulled the tab to lift it out of the box. It was quite cold from shipping, but looked amazing. With the machine closed, it is virtually seamless. Once opened, I have to admit to thinking it was beautiful. The LED screen is gorgeous and immensely brighter than that of our old G4. It took about 5 minutes and the operating system had initialized and the Mac was ready for use.

I must admit- all of the new gestures are awesome and really time-saving! It is really easy to get back to any program I wish to use, back a page while surfing the web, etc. The flat keys are going to take a little time to get used to for me. All in all- a fantastic piece of equipment.

Transferring some of my old files from my Windows computer has been a hassle. I have decided to reformat my iPod in order to allow iTunes to automatically sync it, but that causes some major problems. I have more than 80GB of music, video and photos. My iPod only has an 80GB capacity. I also do not wish to load all of the music onto my Macbook an bog it down and not have enough space to do anything else. So what do I do? I haven't answered that question just yet. I am trying to look at it as a good problem to have!

Once I get everything worked out, this will be awesome. For now, I am still enjoying this much more than that slow PC I have been using for over a year!

Will catch up with you later once I get it personalized.


Monday, October 13, 2008

New Macbooks Launch Tomorrow- Feeling Blissful

Ever since Jen and I bought our Macbook G4 back in 2005, I have waited for the day to rid myself of the duldrum that is a Windows-based PC. We have an E-Machines tower we bought a couple of years ago because my other Windows laptop died and I needed something to get by for a while. Slowly but surely, the computer has been getting bogged down and after a few hours of use must be turned off to let the circuitry refresh and respond to commands properly. How crazy is that? 

As perviously stated, we bought our little Macbook G4 (1.33MHz/512MB RAM/40GB Drive) and it has completely out-performed this Windows machine (2.2MHz/512MB RAM/180GB Drive). In the past three and a half years, we have rebooted the Mac three times because it would not respond! I have to it more than that each week on the desktop... It is constantly unable to close programs, takes 20 seconds to open any internet browser, and freezes up constantly. Alas, my time has finally come. 

I was close to buying a new Macbook in July, but decided to wait after hearing rumors that new Macbooks were to be released in September. It was only a 6 week wait- the Windows machine could hold up 'til then, right? I wish I could say it was easy. Little by litte, the Windows machine continued to falter and sputter and September came and went without a Macbook event. Then rumors of an October launch started. Great- another 4 week wait... Last week almost past without a Macbook event invite and I truly started to grip about my decision. All of the rumors flying around talked of a complete renovation of the Macbook line. I decided to hedge my bets on October, knowing that if the Macbook event was not going to be official by October 14, I would just by a lower-line Macbook and wait until next year to buy a new generation Mac. 

Last week was as much a relief as it was filled with excitement. Tomorrow, we will see if my gamble has paid off. I am sure it will pay great dividends, but how much is the true question. Either way- I win: I get to toss this Windows machine out on the street by week's end. Some things in life are truly worth the wait, and this is one of them. 

An upcomming blog soon giving my review of my new Macbook!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Voting = Picking Poison

I have always maintained the position that having to choose between Republicans and Democrats is like having to choose between hemlock and arsenic: both will ensure death, but at least you get to choose your flavor. 

I consider myself fiscally conservative, socially liberal, and ethically libertarian. I believe that I know the best way to spend my money and do not wish to give the government any more than I must. There is enough government waste that should be addressed before asking me for more. Wouldn't you get pissed if you gave your child $20 for the week and he comes back 3 days later saying that he had spent it all and needs another $10 to get through the week? Of course, you ask him, "What did you do with the $20 I gave you?" His response: "That is neither here nor there- the fact remains that I am broke and need lunch money for school." Properly allocate funds before you ask for more...

 I also believe that people should have the right to live the way they choose as long as their lives do not infringe on the rights of others. While my views on various topics are always the correct view everyone should have, everyone has the right to their own opinions and beliefs. They would be WRONG, but people have the right to be wrong .

That said, I am in a serious dilemma this election. The past 8 years under the Bush regime has been rough to put it mildly. GWB has had to pick up the pieces of the destruction of a inept Clinton Administration that allowed Osama bin Ladin slip through his hands when Sudan advised him of his location for capture. GWB has spent the last 7 years trying to redeem America and punish the terrorists who attempted to destroy our freedoms. Now we have numerous laws that violate our right to privacy and cloak them under heroic name such as the "Patriot Act." Meanwhile, the economy is in such turmoil, I am having to feel great that I have a crappy dead-end job that I loathe.

Now we have a choice between an old man that represents "the establishment" and a young, charismatic man that hasn't even immersed his head under water in the political ocean- not even enough to call him "wet behind the ears." It looks a lot like 1992 all over again. Think back- an old incumbent, tired and lethargic versus a young, vibrant fellow that played a sax on MTV to play the "hip card." 

I have not decided my vote at this time. I have always voted "wallet" (Republican) in the past, I am not so sure this time. I have seen a few debates in hopes that Obama would give me a reason to vote for him, but nothing thus far. Just a bunch of generic solutions to specific problems that face our country. McCain's thought to "clean up government waste" sounds great, but it sounds more like "Pot? Yes, it's me- kettle. You, my friend are as black as they come. Gotta run!"

Like I said- pick your poison. I remember hearing this once before: if you don't vote, you can't complain. Therefore, I may just vote so I CAN complain...