Friday, July 16, 2010


The opening song to one of Gabriel's favorite video games: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2-

So this year Gabriel has turned 7 years old. The years are flying by and he has grown up so much. This year, Gabriel wanted a skateboard, so he got one from Nana and Pop (my parents). His gift came disassembled with two skate decks that can be interchanged, a set of trucks and wheels, and a full set of pads. We built the board and I got the video camera in order to film history- his venture into Skateboarding 101. Thanks to my Macbook and iMovie, this is what we turned out. Gabriel looks like one bad dude...

More videos will be uploaded to YouTube in the future. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Shirley Rogerson said...

Love this video!! Great job!