Monday, June 1, 2009

IVF Success Story

There is good news: the Rogerson family will be growing soon! Jen and I completed our IVF treatment and it was an overwhelming success! We found out that she is officially pregnant on Friday. The jubilation I thought I would feel is not here. Instead, I feel relief. Relief? It was like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders and I was finally able to catch a full breath. I could finally rest without worry. I was as relaxed as I have ever been in the past few years. Yeah- I thought that was strange too, but allow me to explain.

It has been about 4 1/2 years since we started trying to conceive. We have taken every pill, changed eating habits, tested monthly, and used every method possible to try to have children. We have seen more doctors about our issues than I would have ever dreamed. Jen completed a regimen of shots 2-3 shots per day that she thought was impossible a year ago. So when the time came to get the call from the doctor's office, I had been through all of the stress I could deal with. It was truly weighing the both of us down. It was consuming Jen over the past few years and I could do nothing but continue to use the same words to console her as I did every month. 

Transfer day approached and we went into the doctor's office. They gave me a pair of scrubs and allowed me to go into the operating room. Jen did not want me to wear my Yankee cap under the cloth cap, but she did not have a choice in the matter. The Yankee cap was going into the operating room as well. Just prior to performing the returning the embryos transfer, the doctors allowed me to see them inside the incubation chamber. They were textbook-perfect embryos from what the doctors told us. It was truly amazing to see. When you are able to see that first-hand, you know without a doubt that a life starts at conception. We also got a picture of the embryos as well- the earliest baby pictures ever! It was a pretty awesome day.

It had finally came down to a 30 second voicemail left to us from a doctor's office. So when we listened to the voicemail that would change our lives forever, it was more a sigh of relief than excitement.

I thought Jen was going to be concerned about my emotional reaction, but surprisingly she was the same way. Her reaction was more of a state of shock than relief, but the relief was there. I saw a relaxed look from her that I have not seen in quite a while. Rest assured- we are both quite happy that this day has come. The excitement will surely permeate through the relief in the coming weeks as we get closer to see if we will be having twins. That would be fantastic! We are looking forward to finding out and I will keep you posted. 

Thank you to everyone that continued to pray for us throughout the past several years. Your support does not go unnoticed and we are indebted to you always. 

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