The Gabe Dixon Band - Gabe Dixon Band
A rising talent in the world of music, Gabe Dixon's simple trio of piano, bass and percussion laid the groundwork for a return to music in its purest form. His major debut release is a brilliant collection of material that is a great bend of an early Billy Joel (the better portion of his career by the way- an argument for another day), Ben Folds, and a jazz/pop cross of Harry Connick and Bruce Hornsby.
The album begins with a simple grouping of 8th notes, followed by his youthful voice that flows smoothly throughout the track entitled, "Disappear." The next track, "Five More Hours" takes the listener through the grind of a musician on tour, finally heading home for a much needed rest. I would say that it is one of the best tracks on the album. The beginning of the track has the musical stylings and trademark melody that is as slick as it is catchy. No way you won't be singing along. "All Will Be Well" has a familiar sound of Billy Joel's, "Don't Ask Me Why," but is purely piano driven.
Just like the middle of a batting lineup in baseball is the heavy hitters, this album is no different. The crowning achievement is easily "Find My Way." The song starts with another slick piano melody, only to spin you around and punch you in the stomach for not paying full attention. He and the band crank up the tempo as Gabe begins to pound on the keys with the intent of bringing down the walls. Simply a great song that will have you playing it over and over again. It is followed by "'Til You're Gone," a catchy blues progression that will leave you nodding your head 'til it's gone.
Gabe Dixon begins to mellow to bring two soft songs, "Far From Home" and "Even After You," that allow you to finally catch your breath and prepare for "Sirens," which is a quick tight riff that has harmonies similar to a bluegrass band. He simply shows you another side to his versatility on this album. Finally, he takes us home with "Baby Doll," which gives the listener another fluid melody and song that leave the palette clean, eagerly anticipating the next offering of this band.
All in all, this album is a very strong debut for a piano-based trio. The production is very slick and accentuates the virtues of a great voice and artistry of a fine musician. It has the ability to conform to a multitude of listeners: from the adult-contemporary and pop to avid audio aficionados that appreciate strong melodies, chord progressions and lyrics This is a nice example of the fine art that is songwriting.
Rating: 4 out of 5 Guitars
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