Sunday, August 16, 2009

Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)

John Lennon said it best!

Jen and I found out yesterday that we hare having a baby boy! Thankfully, Gabriel was with us because he was very excited. You see, he was at the zoo with Jen and her mother and he put a penny in the hyperbolic bowl and wished for a boy. Realizing what he had done, Jen's mother put a dime in and wish for a girl. Apparently, the logic is that a wish on a dime would overpower wishing on a penny. Gabe immediately said that his penny was first, which trumped the dime in his mind....

Looks like he was right. While watching in anticipation, I asked the nurse if the baby looked healthy. She said, "He looks great!" I was relieved hearing that the baby was healthy.... Then replayed the words back in my mind- he was fine? Why did she say "he?" The nurse showed us the reason for her choice of words. Sure enough- a little boy is on the way.

Jen was as heartbroken as Gabe was happy. She was certain that it was a girl. She had everything picked out and knew exactly what the room was going to look like. I warned her about the dangers of doing that, but those warnings went unheeded. She said the thought of a boy never crossed her mind for the past month or so. As stated in an earlier post, I think that I had become so at peace with having a daughter, that I may had convinced myself that a daughter was coming. Initially, I had thoughts and feelings of another boy. Maybe I was preparing myself for a girl, but I must say that I was slightly shocked by it all too.

It was really awesome to have the opportunity to see the baby and know it was a boy so early in the pregnancy. We got to see the evidence of a little boy using the 3D ultrasound yesterday afternoon. Disturbingly enough, we could see more clearly using the standard ultrasound. We will definitely go back again later in the pregnancy to really get a good view of the baby before birth.

It's going to take Jen a day or so to fully wrap her mind around the events of Saturday. We are now working through the list of names for our boy. We are confident in using Jacob, because that is what my Dad has always called me. I am not sure why, and if you ask him, he doesn't know either. He just started doing it one day and never stopped. We thought it would be nice to name him after me, but without naming him Michael. We now are searching for middle names.

I have scoured the history of the New York Yankees to find an association that Jen would use without any success... Thus far, she has said no to the following:

Jacob Mickey Rogerson/Jacob Mantle Rogerson (Mickey Mantle)
Jacob Louis Rogerson/Jacob Gehrig Rogerson (Lou Gehrig)
Jacob Joseph Rogerson/DiMaggio Rogerson (Joe DiMaggio)
Jacob Thurman Rogerson (Thurman Munson)
Jacob Jeter Rogerson (Derek Jeter)
Jacob Reggie Rogerson/Jacob Jackson Rogerson (Reggie Jackson)
Jacob Whitey Rogerson/Jacob Ford Rogerson (Whitey Ford)
Jacob Mariano Rogerson (Mariano Rivera)
Jacob Yogi Rogerson/Jacob Berra Rogerson (Yogi Berra)
Jacob Martin Rogerson (Billy Martin)
Jacob Casey Rogerson (Casey Stengal)

The only one that has worked thus far is Jacob Alex Rogerson. A-Rod better bring me home a World Series this year and be a major contributor this year...

Jacob Liam Rogerson is the frontrunner right now. Your thoughts and name combos are welcome. I will compile a list of all the names we receive from everyone and comment on each one in a future post if people contribute. I would encourage you to do so!

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. Another post soon!



srogers said...

While a little girl would have been nice, I'm excited to be having another grandchild and I'll take a little boy with open arms. Boys are so special in their own way. You're a great father. Remember I used to say, "I hope you have a kid just like you when you were little?" Well, I hope the new baby and Gabe grow up to be just like you.

I love that you're naming the baby Jacob. My friends at work and I think Scott would be a great middle name. Jacob Scott Rogerson - two syllables, one syllabels and three syllabels - flows nicely!

srogers said...

More thoughts on names: Jacob Wade, Jacob Tyler, Jacob Shawn, Jacob Stone. Amy and Amy B. (work friends) and I will keep thinking and let you know if we come up with more.

srogers said...

A couple more - Jacob Connor, Jacob Ryan, Jacob Lee, Jacob Dillon.

webgirl said...

Another nephew, exciting. I love the name Jacob. Liam? As in Oasis? How about a middle name from Jen's side?