Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Blowing In the Wind

The answer, my friend is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind....
-Bob Dylan

Weather is putting the finishing touches on its portrait of autumn and changing the canvas to begin painting the dreariness of winter over the past week in Murfreesboro. We have gone through 3 stages of weather since I woke up for work this morning- cool and sunny turned to misty and breezy this afternoon, which has evolved into pouring rain and heavy winds into the night. This evening, the winds have been swirling around with thoughts of turning over trash cans at every home. Sting's lyric explains it best on a night like tonight: The hounds of winter are howling in the wind. Howling is a great use of personification for the wind. As hard as it is blowing tonight, it moans through each small crack between the windows and doorframes.

Gabe and I were having a lot of fun tonight catching up on some of what is turning out to be one of his favorite new shows: Mythbusters. The wacky things these guys do make him laugh and we make bets before we watch the experiments as to weather the myth will be confirmed, plausible or "busted." Later, we watched Clash of the Dinosaurs, which is a new documentary series that explains the design of different dinosaurs from physical and mental aspects. Finally, it was bedtime, which is when the winds started howling the most.

It was quite blustery as Gabe laid down for bed. I turned on his iPod and set his playlist entitled, "Sleeptime III," and Ringo Starr begins to croon (as much as he could), "Good Night." Gabe starts to worry about the noise and begins to feel a bit scared of sleeping amongst the noise beyond the walls. Trying to ease his mind and help him rest for the night, I tell him the same story he has heard dozens of times in the past: The Three Little Pigs. At the end of the story, we both come to the conclusion that the only house the wolf did not blow over was the one built with bricks. Since our house was made with bricks, our house will not fall down either.

This is truly the first moment in his life in which he has shown the dichotomy between the his amazing intellect and reasoning and immediately thereafter, showing childlike naivety which steals your heart.

After hearing the story and realizing our house was made of bricks, the paused for a moment and remarked, "but Mom's house is made of wood..." After calming his restless energy, I went back into the room to let him know I was taking down the welcome flag on near the porch, only to hear him whimpering. I asked him if he's okay and with tears in his eyes, he says that he was praying for all the non-brick houses, "so they don't fall down." Putting him to bed once more, he asks, "Our house won't fall down because of the bricks, but what about the windows, since they are glass?" I was completely dumbfounded. I simply had no more answers for him tonight. He then said the most adorable thing of the past several months: "Hey, Dad. The glass won't break because the blinds will protect it, right?" All I could do is smile, kiss his head, and tell him is is absolutely right.

What a great evening, which I owe to my son. Evenings like these make the irritations and monotony of the day's events worthwhile.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

This Used To Be My Playground

Madonna's hit single is quite appropriate for this blog post...

For the past couple of weeks, Gabe and I have been going out in the backyard to practice hitting baseballs while there is still a bit of daylight left. He is turning into such a good hitter that he has now hit two balls over the rightfield fence (into my neighbor's backyard and more recently one over the leftfield fence (into the empty lot behind us). He is also starting to try to hit the ball from the right side of the plate and looks pretty good doing so. Baseball season is still 6 months away, but we are trying to retain the skills we developed last year.

On Saturday, the weather in Murfreesboro was beautiful. Bright and sunny, there was a soft breeze and the sun was warm on the skin. Gabe and I decided that we would go practice at a baseball field to practice hitting, fielding and catching. We had all of our gear in the car and headed to the ball field close to the house. Unfortunately, they have put a chain link fence around the entire premises and used padlocks to keep people off the field. We went to several other fields and found ourselves on the outside looking in on each field that we saw. We finally gave up on our search and played in a field beside 8 locked ball fields.

When I was a kid, this was not an issue. Most of the time, I would play baseball with several others in the middle of the street by bouncing a tennis ball in lieu of a pitcher. The tennis ball wouldn't break windows, so it was always the safe play. Yet there were still many occasions where the kids in the neighborhood would go to the park and play baseball after breakfast only to return as required by the streetlights, which was the third parent that told a child to get home on a summer evening.

What a disheartening world we live in for children today. Children have less time during a school day to play, exercise, and have fun in PE because we are pushing more academics. Most parents will no longer allow their children to play out of sight like generations past. Moreover, kids no longer play in sports in front of the house like we did either. Most children don't even have a playground in their own neighborhood because the developer's greed requires them to build 4 more houses built to maximize their profits. Other locations that have baseball fields are so afraid that a child will be hurt and a lawsuit will be filed for negligence.

I felt so horrible that Gabriel and I could not find a baseball field to play in this weekend. It is very unfortuntate that we cannot find a suitable place to practice ground balls on the infield dirt. Heck- I would have been happy finding a backstop in the middle of a field so that we would have to chase all of the passed balls that missed Gabe's bat. The children of our current generation have so many things that we did not have: electronic gadgets, video games, and portable DVD players. They don't have the things that help boys grow into men: open spaces to ride bikes and most improtantly, baseball fields.

Baseball fields are where boys learn the most important things to become men. Boys learn how to practice and play hard even if they get bumps and bruises along the way. They learn responsibility for their actions. They learn how to communicate with teammates and play as a member of a team. They learn victory is a reward worth all the time practicing. They learn that as long as they perform their best, they can be proud of their effort in defeat. They learn that each boy wins and loses as a team, not by the actions or faults of a single individual.

I guess for now, Gabe and I will have to continue playing baseball in our back yard. At least I'll know that he is learning the rules of manhood that schools don't have time to teach and our communities are not offering to our children.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Take Me Home

This post is named after the closing tune from every Phil Collins concert I have ever seen. What a great song...

Whenever the Tennessee Rogersons head east, it is typically during the summer months so we can enjoy the sun, ocean, and water parks that Virginia Beach has to offer. Every couple of years, we also make an attempt to head home to have a pseudo-Christmas some time in the beginning of December to exchange gifts and to enjoy each other's company. It is hard not to be home during the holidays. At this point in my life, I feel like each year that goes by without Christmas at home makes it easier than the year before. However, I know that each year that goes by is one less chance that I will have to enjoy Christmas with my family in Virginia.

That said, I seriously cannot remember my last Thanksgiving at home. It must have been well over a decade now since I ate Thanksgiving dinner with all of my family. Thinking about that makes me homesick and long for that opportunity once again. I honestly do not recall the last time I was home for a Thanksgiving or Christmas Day. I think my last Christmas in Virginia was in 1996, which was my first (and subsequently only) return after going off to college in Tennessee. The only other Christmas I can remember being home was when Joy and I surprised my mother, which nearly caused her to have a heart attack.

Sharing custody of Gabriel prohibits me from coming home for Christmas because I will have him from 12/23 until 12/25 about 2pm, or from 2pm on 12/25 through 12/27. There is no way for Jen and I to catch a plane in order to arrive in or leave Murfreesboro in time to enjoy Christmas in both places. Luckily, Jen's family has been quite gracious and made me feel at home with them during the holidays. I have given up on having a Christmas in Virginia for the foreseeable future.

This year seemed like another of the same in regards to the holiday season until a week ago whenI realized that I had requested time off on the Wednesday prior through the Monday after Thanksgiving. Therefore, I will be able to have a family holiday back in Virginia. Jen and I are both quite excited because this is the first time that we will be able to se my entire family together for a purpose other than to come by and visit with us while in town. I will get to eat my favorite foods from many of my aunts: pigs in blankets from Aunt Lilly, chocolate pie from Aunt Barbara, and pecan pie from my mom.

Moreover, this will be the only opportunity for everyone to see Jen while pregnant with a protruding belly signifying the long awaited addition to the family. It really makes me happy knowing that I will get to experience some of her pregnancy with my entire family. I have missed out on so many things since I have been away: weddings, the birth of countless children from several cousins, and as rumors have it- an engagement of my cousin Lonnie Jr. (which was another telling sign of the presence of God!) as well. I hope to be able to cradle the new babies, play with the older ones, catch up with cousins, and show my appreciation for my aunts and uncles who created so many wonderful memories of holidays past.

We will also be able to be a part of a more recent tradition: Thanksgiving at William and Jennifer's house. It will be great to catch up with everyone there as well. We haven't been to their place before, so it will be nice to visit with them for an afternoon.

Finally, I hope to have the chance to spend some time with my closest friends from childhood. Chad now lives in Washington D.C and hopefully will be back in Virginia Beach to be with Becky's family. Brad still lives in Virginia Beach, so hopefully we will be able to get together for an evening.

Hope to see you all soon!

Can't wait to see you all soon!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Urgent (Part 2)

Just to give you a recap of the events after my last post, I have listed a chonology of my Twitter updates for you:

UPDATE: Jen is going to surgery ahead of scheduled. She will being in prep in about 5 minutes...
Jen is headed back into surgery. She's pretty scared but she will be fine. Now we wait for an hour and a half for news from DR...A fire drill in the hospital just now. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Siren blaring. Drill for OR #5.... Hope Jen wasn't in that one... Yikes-

DR says that surgery went well without complications. She's in post-op for another 30 min. More updates soon. http://myloc.me/19PAYJen just returned to her room after recovery feeling really well. She looks relaxed and comfortable for the first time in days...

Jen is staying overnight again. Her mom is covering the overnight shift here tonight so I can rest for Gabe's weekend....The day has hit me like a ton of bricks. I am exhausted. Should get some sleep tonight. Thanks to everyone for thoughts and prayers-
Jen got the call that they are beginning to work on her release. She will be recovering at home soon! http://myloc.me/1aAYh

Friday, October 23, 2009

Urgent? (Part 1)

Foreigner- appropriate for this post:

Many of you know by now that Jen is in the hospital and is having surgery today. As you are aware, hospitals are notorious for poor cell reception. Therefore, I have been updating the masses via Twitter. Finally a legitimate use that I can document for anyone that asks, "why would you want to use Twitter?"

More information is to follow and you wish to follow click the link below to my Twitter page and follow me: http://twitter.com/mrogerson. Here is a chronological review of what has happened over the past 18 hours or so:

Jen in hospital. May be gall bladder. Can't talk now. Please start prayers! Thanks in advance. More info to follow- -about 17 hours ago from UberTwitter

Update from hospital- call Dad... -about 16 hours ago from UberTwitter

No reception in hospital... Think its gall bladder or kidney stones... Not sure at this point. Probably staying the night. More to follow- about 14 hours ago from UberTwitter

Waiting on the doctor to determine if surgery is happening tonight or tomorrow. Probably going to be here a while... -about 13 hours ago from UberTwitter

Waiting on the DR to determine if surgery is tonight or tomorrow. Either way, sleeping in the hospital tonight... -about 13 hours ago from UberTwitter

DR says surgery tomorrow. He's up now, surgeries all night and hers is in the afternoon... Hmm... -about 12 hours ago from UberTwitter

For years I've been sleeping in a king bed & waking up with back & neck pain. What if I feel great after sleeping on this hospital cot?-about 9 hours ago from UberTwitter

LONG night in the hospital. Apparently Jacob parties all night while we sleep… He was banging on the heart monitor all night long! Funny-about 3 hours ago from UberTwitter

If you wish to call and check on Jen, my mom and dad have the number. Don't have their's? Send me a TXT or Blkbry msg...about 1 hour ago from UberTwitter

DR has given Jen "the talk" of all that could go wrong. She's a bit freaked out by it all. DR says all should be well... More later-11 minutes ago from UberTwitter

Jen is feeling better right now, but DR says its best to go through with procedure because not doing so could be more detrimental... - a minute ago from UberTwitter

As you can see, it has been a pretty stressful time. Right now we are patiently waiting for the afternoon to come to let the doctor take care of her. Waiting is the hard part, because we don't know exactly when the surgery is going to take place. Complications are understandable, and are clearly defined by the doctor prior to surgery. We is not known is when the doctor wil whisk her away from us. Then we have to sit and wait again without knowing when the surgery is scheduled to be finished.

Time is the great equalizer. No one gets more or less than any other person each day. It's the only thing that must be completely used up by midnight, only to be given a fresh batch the next day. That said, no one is guaranteed another breath, let al0ne tomorrow. Therefore, time spent waiting for action is the toughest part of life.

More updates will follow on . Again- if you want to give us a call here in the hospital, you can get the number from my parents. If you do not have their number send me a TXT or Blackberry message. We will probable be her until Saturday afternoon. Please keep us in your prayers and thanks for reading.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are You Ready for Some Football?

A little Hank Jr. for you...

As everyone knows, I like sports. I enjoy sitting back and watching football on a breezy fall Sunday afternoon. The game is the ultimate TV sport. Each play is called, men are set in position and are frozen in time until the call of the leader. Only then can each player release the stored energy in each muscle to dominate their opponent. A furocious ballet ensues for approximately 5 to 10 seconds, the play ends and the game is suspended until it's time to do it again. What can be done during the down time? A REPLAY of the last play giving the viewer insight into why the play was a success or failure. How sweet is that? Not to mention that with NFL Sunday Ticket, I get to watch any game I want without blackout restrictions.

This is my 4th year with NFL Sunday Ticket, and each year it has been well worth it. This year is slightly different that the last several years because of a minor detail- I am NOT playing fantasy football for the first time since 1993. Yes, I said 1993- I harken back to the days of a mail-in draft and getting our scores Thursday by mail based on the stats inside the USA Today from on Monday.

I decided not play fantasy football this year because it has begun to be more work than fun. I no longer wanted to talk to a friend for 30 minutes trying to get a deal done. Neither do I want to flip through every game on Sunday without really watching any of them for the sake of the stats of my players. I wanted to take a break over the past few years, but so many people have wanted me to play, that it began feeling more like an obligation than fun as well.

Turning on the TV on Sundays this year has changed dramatically. I now look at the weekly schedule and am unable to find a game that I have any interest in as I look through the list. NFL parity has not added credibility to the league and increased competition. It has diluted itself into mediocrity. There aren't dominant franchises that create the dynasty of the 70's Steelers and the 80's 49ers. Now I see a bunch of teams that are predominantly average at best. I still watch the Dolphins, but after their game, I haven't had the urge to watch other games because I seemed to have lost interest in the matchups. Maybe it's a coming of age for me, I'm not sure.

I have told Jen that I will probably not buy the NFL Sunday Ticket next year. I have not been using it enough this year to make it matter. Instead, maybe I will get MLB Extra Innings. The idea of being able to watch the Yankees virtually any night I wish from April to October does peak my interest. And the MLB Extra Innings package is not exclusive to DirecTV, so it opens the door for a healthy competitions between service carriers. Plus, I feel that I would get a lot more use out of watching baseball rather than football. A blog of the beauty of baseball to be posted soon...


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Peaceful, Easy Feeling

Yes- a simple relation to the Eagles...


Over the last several weeks, your mommy has been asking to feel "that one big kick" so she knows that you are there and getting stronger. She tells me that she can feel what she describes as you rolling in circles in her belly, which makes her feel that she is on a roller coaster! That is pretty cool, bud. I really hope that you continue using your umbilical cord as your own personal bungee jump system!

I just wanted to thank you for finally giving your mother what she wanted. You must have my sense of humor, because you gave her your best kick- around 2am! You actually woke her from her sleep when she felt that one. I know you don't have any idea what that means (2am), but soon you will and realize that it was pretty funny. The best part is that you have been giving her your best shots over the past week very early in the morning. Even today, you were kicking her hard at 7:15. You mom actually woke me up to let me feel you kicking. That is where we have a problem...

You see, Jacob- I too would like to feel you kick really hard. Actually, I would really like to be the first person other than Mommy to feel that. It is important to me because I don't get to go to all the doctor's appointments to hear your heartbeat. Every time Mommy puts my hand on her belly to feel you moving, you stop- actually that is kind of funny too (which is my sense of humor as well). You are a pretty funny fellow already.

I am starting to think that it is okay that you stop kicking when I feel you. Mommy is starting to get fearful that my touch is so soothing that I may be the only one that can sooth you when you arrive. You know what? If that is the case, it is fine with me. I don't get to the strong first kick, but we will have a much stronger bond. I can be the one that relaxes and comforts your frustration and tension. I will be there to soothe you. When you won't stop crying for everyone else, I will be the one that makes everyone envious. We can have a different bond. The bond of a peaceful, easy feeling when I am holding you, rocking you to sleep at night.

Sit back and relax when I feel for you. It will be our little secret...

See you soon, Jacob. Love you already.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Whenever I Say Your Name

Great song by Sting and Mary J. Blidge from the album, "Sacred Love."

Today was our 20 week ultrasound and everything was fantastic. I was great to see Jennifer's ovaries shrinking from softball to about raquetball after the many shots during the IVF process. We also got to see the baby once again and he has gotten much bigger in the past 5 weeks.

We also got complete confirmation that "he" is in fact, a "he." Previously, Jennifer had done extensive research and came to the conclusion that it is very difficult to determine the sex of a child at week 15. I rebutted her discovery by using the evidence of the Week 15 unltrasound and the experience and expertise of the technician. She is a 15-year veteran of the ultrasound machine, so I believe that she knows what she is looking at despite any limited development up to Week 15....

Here is the picture of the day:

Case Closed.

As stated in a previous blog, I stated that I would cover the names sent in to me over the past several weeks. Sadly, only my own mother and her friends gave us ideas. And here they are:

Jacob Scott- pretty good start, but denied...
Jacob Wade- Boggs = Red Sox. Nope.
Jacob Tyler- Not bad...
Jacob Shawn- Missing the flow.
Jacob Stone- Umm... No comment. Check that- horrible.
Jacob Connor- Jennifer's friend's son is named Connor. Out.
Jacob Ryan- Jennifer's ex-boyfriend's name. Out.
Jacob Lee- Not digging the Lee...
Jacob Dillon- I like (spelled Dylan- like the singer of The Wallflowers)- vetoed by Jen.

So it's decided- Jacob Alex, right? Wrong. Out of nowhere, Jacob Matthew. Jennifer came across this combo recently and really liked the way it flowed. She also liked that it was similar to Michael (Like Gabriel Michael), and it had BOTH of our initials in the name (JMR). All really great reasons for Jacob Matthew, but what about the New York Yankees reference? I have scoured the record books looking for a Matt or Matthew to lend itself to the name and came up with nothing...

I had to turn to another passion of mine: music. Easily, I can come up with a couple of favorites from my iPod- Matt Nathanson and Mat Kearney. Both of these guys have a great sound and moreover, Jennifer likes them both as well.

Just like that old horse racing phrase, "out of the clouds, from last to first," Jacob Matthew wins... We welcome you with open arms and will be monograming pillows and photo frames for you soon as we await your arrival. See you soon, Jacob Matthew!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sing A Song

A little Earth, Wind & Fire for you for this post...

Jennifer is pushing the 20th week of her pregnancy this week. How fast this summer has flown! We just read that this week the baby can actually hear sound, which is the the start of the best part of the pregnancy. I believe that despite the inability to hear earlier over the past several weeks, the baby can feel the vibrations of my voice when I get close to Jen's belly. I have been chatting it up with Jacob here and there, mostly late in the evening prior to Jen going to bed. Giving him a primer of becoming a Rogerson: believe in the Yankees, love football, and being kind to his mother. This week, we have added a new part to the mix: music.

Over the past few days, we have been playing Jacob music from my iPod via headphones strategically placed on Jen's belly. It started out by playing something with a strong beat so he could feel the vibrating rhythms of the Gap Band, Earth, Wind, & Fire, and Michael Jackson. No response from Jacob. I am guessing that he was a little freaked out by the cacophony of new sound.

Tonight, I tried a different mix. We started with The Beatles' "Yesterday," Emerson Hart's "Green Hills Race for California," and Billy Joel's "New York State of Mind." I think that Jacob enjoyed this more than yesterday. We finished with another Beatles tune, "Goodnight," from the White Album. I thought it appropriate finale for the evening of his education through music. My goal is that he hears the Beatles and is instantly soothed when he cries in the middle of the night. Gabe turned out great- he loves my musical tastes. He is becoming an avid fan of The Beatles and AC/DC, which is alright with me...

If you haven't seen them before, they now make an album series entitled, "Rock-A-Bye Baby" which are famous artists set in the form of a music box for babies. It is quite possibly the cooles thing I have heard in quite a while. They have music box versions of AC/DC, Metallica, The Beatles, U2, The Cure, Pink Floyd, and several others. It sound bizarre, but they are quite captivating. Seriously- a baby-friendly version of "Master Of Puppets" sounds ridiculous, but its quite enchaniting. Far better than listening to the other garbage that is out there, for sure. Jen and I plan on getting most of these albums for Jacob to enjoy in the crib and car. Rock on, little Jacob!

Playing this music for Jacob has me itching to pick up the guitar and learn some new material. I haven't played too much lately- life has been too busy and I end up doing other things to keep myself occupied. I really want to learn some material so that I can sing and play for him while in the crib. It is also something constructive that has forces the brain to fire the synapses on the creative side of the brain, which doesn't happen all to often throughout the day.

I began learning the chord progression for "Yesterday" and "Something" tonight. Let me just say that the brilliance of John, Paul, George, Ringo, and Sir George Martin will never be exaggerated. The chord progressions and melodies are quite eloquent....

Over the next few months, I'll be trying to build a repertoire of tunes in preparation for the February birth of Jacob. Let me know of tunes you think I should learn...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


In honor of The Beatles launch of Rock Band and my birthday the day prior, I figured I would toss them the title of this post...

I had my 35th birthday on Tuesday. My day was my own: I was able to have lunch with Gabriel at school, take a ride on the motorcycle, pick Gabriel up from school, have some father-son time, and have dinner with Jen's family. Some great gifts were received: Seasons 1-3 of The Office, a shirt from AE, and the crown jewel- a new pair of Nike Free 5.0 shoes in navy and grey (NY Yankee colors). Tremendously comfortable.

On an internal note, it was definitely a day for reflection and looking to the future. Internal retrospection only lasted for a few minutes. This year, there have been tears of happiness and sadness. I have had some tremendous highs within my immediate family and my career, while rough low points recently in a loss of a great friend and struggles within my career as well. It has been a complete whirlwind and both ends of the spectrum assure me that I am still alive inside.

That said, it is too easy reviewing the decisions made in the past that have made me the man I am today. What is far more difficult is looking to the future to determine who I will become. This is something that I have not been able to work through just yet. I must develop the ability to be content with my life despite the external forces at play in my life. I have to figure out a way not to allow my job define me or determine my worth. As a man, I believe that is one of the most difficult things to do as a man in this society.

All this to say that I have decided to make an conscious effort to continue discovering who I am as a person. I enjoy listening to lectures that expand my ability to think on a higher level. Philosophy has always interested me because I like to ask questions that seem simple, but are quite complex when digested. I call it mental gymnastics. I have download some incredible material in iTunesU that I purpose to be recommended listening: Oxford University's Philosophy for Beginners. If you have not checked out iTunesU, please do so. There is an incredible amount of material available that is free to download and provides opportunities for you to stimulate your mind. If you find something in iTunesU that you really like, please let me know and I'll check it out too!

Exercise your mind!

Friday, August 28, 2009


This is the title-track of James Morrison song from his debut album seems appropriate for this blog. Here is a brief excerpt:

"You see the look that's on my face
You might think I'm out of place
I'm not lost, no, no, just undiscovered."

In an earlier post on August 16, I wrote that Jennifer and I had picked out our new boy's name: Jacob. Since that time, I have been scouring for a good middle name for him. I received several thoughts from those close to me an truly appreciate all of the support. Jacob Liam, the early favorite, has lost ground to Jacob Alex over the past week. I love Alex and always wanted to use Alex if I were to have a boy.

Strangely enough, Jennifer had called me downstairs for a brief chat before her early bedtime. I obliged her request, but was a bit unsure what this discussion could be about at this time of the evening. Se proceeded to tell me that she is starting to reconsider using the name Jacob, because she doesn't "feel" like a Jacob. Who am I to complain- she is the one carrying him. Am I to call her bluff? She is the only one that truly feels him. She was concerned because she wasn't sure how I would react to her thoughts. I told her that we have plenty of time to determine our child's name. We can surely look at alternatives and if we come up with something better, so be it. It's still a name we both like a lot, but we are willing to revisit the issue for a while longer.

The interesting part is we are realizing we have several stipulations that severely limits our options:

1. The name cannot end in a "-on." Too sing-songy.
- Jackson, Mason, Cason, Landon are out. Evan, Ethan, and Nathan are borderline...
2. The name cannot end in a "-er." Too blended with the last name.
- Tanner, Conner, Hunter have been nixed.
3. The name cannot start with an "R." Double R's just aren't cool (sorry, Dad!).
- Richard, Rex, and Rhett are out.

All this to say that we are making attempts to discover who this child truly is in the coming months. Only time will tell if another name leaps out at us in the near future. Guess James Morrison did sum it up the best: "I'm not lost, just undiscovered."

Your thoughts are welcome! I will continue to compile a list and comment on each one in the coming weeks.



Thursday, August 27, 2009

Album Review: The Gabe Dixon Band

The Gabe Dixon Band - Gabe Dixon Band

A rising talent in the world of music, Gabe Dixon's simple trio of piano, bass and percussion laid the groundwork for a return to music in its purest form. His major debut release is a brilliant collection of material that is a great bend of an early Billy Joel (the better portion of his career by the way- an argument for another day), Ben Folds, and a jazz/pop cross of Harry Connick and Bruce Hornsby.

The album begins with a simple grouping of 8th notes, followed by his youthful voice that flows smoothly throughout the track entitled, "Disappear." The next track, "Five More Hours" takes the listener through the grind of a musician on tour, finally heading home for a much needed rest. I would say that it is one of the best tracks on the album. The beginning of the track has the musical stylings and trademark melody that is as slick as it is catchy. No way you won't be singing along. "All Will Be Well" has a familiar sound of Billy Joel's, "Don't Ask Me Why," but is purely piano driven.

Just like the middle of a batting lineup in baseball is the heavy hitters, this album is no different. The crowning achievement is easily "Find My Way." The song starts with another slick piano melody, only to spin you around and punch you in the stomach for not paying full attention. He and the band crank up the tempo as Gabe begins to pound on the keys with the intent of bringing down the walls. Simply a great song that will have you playing it over and over again. It is followed by "'Til You're Gone," a catchy blues progression that will leave you nodding your head 'til it's gone.

Gabe Dixon begins to mellow to bring two soft songs, "Far From Home" and "Even After You," that allow you to finally catch your breath and prepare for "Sirens," which is a quick tight riff that has harmonies similar to a bluegrass band. He simply shows you another side to his versatility on this album. Finally, he takes us home with "Baby Doll," which gives the listener another fluid melody and song that leave the palette clean, eagerly anticipating the next offering of this band.

All in all, this album is a very strong debut for a piano-based trio. The production is very slick and accentuates the virtues of a great voice and artistry of a fine musician. It has the ability to conform to a multitude of listeners: from the adult-contemporary and pop to avid audio aficionados that appreciate strong melodies, chord progressions and lyrics This is a nice example of the fine art that is songwriting.

Rating: 4 out of 5 Guitars

Monday, August 24, 2009

Footstompin' Music

Going way back to find the boys of Grand Funk Railroad being appropriate for this post...

I thought I would start giving you my thoughts on something that I feel passionate about: music. Before I start, I should clarify the above statement- these posts will generally be about lesser-know artist that many of my readers will hear within the next year on your radio station of choice or used in television series, or films. These artists are the antithesis of what is currently being spewed on the mainstream airwaves solely for the pleasure of a youth with too much disposable income. You will not get any of the mind-numbing, inanely simple creations of home studio pop that is currently on the airwaves, which brings me to my favorite quote in the past several years in regards to today's so-called music:

"Any idiot with a computer and a keyboard can make a T-Pain record." - unknown athlete discussing music while being interviewed as a guest on the Jim Rome Show

The music you will learn about in these upcoming blogs will likely find their ways to public appreciation for being true to their craft. I have been purchasing numerous albums over the past several years by artist that have finally gained the deserved acceptance of the listening public. To list a few of these examples in that have occurred in the past:

Jason Mraz- Best Album: We Sing, We Dance, We Steal Things- the tongue-twisting words and melodies are legendary on his past 3 albums
James Morrison (Pop/Rock)- Best Album: Songs For You, Truths For Me- a young UK artist most-known for "Broken Strings," with Nelly Furtado
Mat Kearney (Pop/AAA)- Best Album: Nothing Left To Lose- most notably, his song "Breathe In Breathe Out" was used in "Grey's Anatomy"
Matt Nathanson (Pop/Rock)- Best Album: Beneath These Fireworks- received huge airplay with his song, "Come On Get Higher"
The Raconteurs (Alt. Rock)- Best Album: Consolers of the Lonely- a supergroup spearheaded by my generation's lone musical genius- Jack White
Kings of Leon (Rock)- Best Album: Only By The Night- the Nashville-based group has achieved popularity in the UK more than the US

I would encourage anyone to review any of these albums and dare disagree that this is not some of the best music in their perspective genres.

Therefore, I cannot start out with the most recent material. Instead, I will have to go back a little bit to make sure some of these lesser-know artists get some great publicity. I will try to post some of theses several times during the next several weeks. Also- it would not be fair to require me to continue my self-imposed requirement to title my blogs after an appropriate songs, but I will continue that on regular blogs... In case you would like to get ahead of the class, take a listen to the following artists and their respective albums:

The Gabe Dixon Band - Gabe Dixon Band (Pop/AAA)
Sounds Like This - Eric Hutchinson (Pop/Rock)
Hope for the Hopeless - Brett Dennen (Folk/Rock)
Horehound - The Dead Weather (Alt. Rock
My Old, Familiar Friend - Bendan Benson

I have given a lot of homework out and class is soon to be in session, so I suggest you get listening. Comments and thoughts are welcome! If you have any questions about today's lesson, please feel free to ask...



Thursday, August 20, 2009


This title is a song from Vertical Horizon's album entitled, "Go" and is perfect for this post. Please take a listen to it after you read this post.

Dear Frankie:

I didn't get a chance to chat with you before I left work on Thursday. I was headed home to enjoy a 4-day weekend. Jennifer and I pushed up the day to find out the sex of our baby to Saturday because we knew Gabe would love to be there for it. I sent you a TXT to let you know that it was a boy! We are both very excited. I didn't hear back from you. I didn't think that was all too odd because there have been times in the past when I wouldn't get a response and would bust your chops about it the next day. This was big news, so I was a little disappointed that I didn't get a response. It's fine now- I understand why...

I heard the news from Nancy C. on Monday afternoon. When I got the TXT, I simply could not believe it, but something in my spirit wasn't surprised. I quickly got in touch with Alyson P. to confirm the news. I had no idea how it would impact the rest of the week and still don't know about the future implications on my life. I couldn't sleep for hours Monday night and the first thing I thought waking up Tuesday was that I will get to say hello when I get to work. I heard your voice while working Tuesday afternoon as well. I must have just missed you...

Yesterday, I must have daydreamed about hanging out with you and being able to chat with you twenty times before lunch alone. It was a pretty quiet day at work so I was able to hang out with you a lot that morning.

Today, we laughed about the fact that management wanted to close our offices Monday on your behalf, because we heard you say that "they didn't even close the department after that huge tornado ripped through Murfreesboro! That's crazy, right?" At work, we have done what you have asked and "nut up to come to work" even though we couldn't focus all to well the past few days...

On my way home today, I could swear I saw you driving back to work as I left for the day.

Anyway, all this to say that I miss you very much. We had a great friendship that went as far as we would both allow. Although barriers were put up in order for me not to get too close, I never took the initiative to try to break them down. I think it an unspoken agreement that we would respect our boundaries between each other. That said, we had an immediate common bond in the struggles you were going through because I am a witness to some of the same struggles in my family. I know how hard some of the days were for you and am proud of you for pushing through the dark days in your life.

You lit up every room that you walked into no matter where you were. You had an uncanny ability to make everyone feel comfortable and have a good laugh. I couldn't believe that they sat us together at work a few months ago- we knew it wasn't going to last long so we made it count and lived those days to the fullest. We were constantly causing humorous disturbances for everyone that would listen. They were easily the best days I ever had at work. Being your supervisor for a short time was less exciting, but we made it work. My expectations for you were slightly higher than the rest of the team to make sure that everyone knew I wasn't playing favorites with you. Thankfully, you understood, stepped up to the plate, and crushed it. I was happy to return to being a peer once again so we could get back to poking fun at the department and razzing our co-workers...

I do have one regret in our friendship. While we did have an occasional spiritual conversation, I never fully discussed and witnessed to you about my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am ashamed for not doing so with you and can only hope that God will forgive me. I know that your mother is a devout Christian, so I feel some comfort in knowing that you had heard the Gospel many times in your life and taken Jesus as your personal saviour. It is still my duty as a Christian to have that discussion with you and for not doing so, I am truly sorry.

I don't think that you truly knew the impact you had in your short time on earth. Everyone saw incredible potential in you and saw the same characteristics I saw that made you a special human being. You had so much love around you from a great many people in Tennessee. I loved you like the brother I never had and was always wanting to take care of you when I could. Right now, all I want is two seconds with you say hello to a close friend and see you smile one more time. One day, I hope I find peace with that feeling. I know that you are with your brother now, which I know allows you to be at peace after several years of unrest. Just know that I miss you dearly and hope to continue seeing you around corners, at your desk, or passing down the highway as I drive to and from work often.

Jennifer tells me that I keep too much of my thoughts and emotions inside. She is worried about me because I keep telling her, "I'm fine, I'm good." She knows that generally means I am not fine nor good, but I don't know what else to say. I really suck at grieving.

I am not ready to say goodbye just yet, so I will let you go and TXT you later. If you don't respond, I'll understand.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)

John Lennon said it best!

Jen and I found out yesterday that we hare having a baby boy! Thankfully, Gabriel was with us because he was very excited. You see, he was at the zoo with Jen and her mother and he put a penny in the hyperbolic bowl and wished for a boy. Realizing what he had done, Jen's mother put a dime in and wish for a girl. Apparently, the logic is that a wish on a dime would overpower wishing on a penny. Gabe immediately said that his penny was first, which trumped the dime in his mind....

Looks like he was right. While watching in anticipation, I asked the nurse if the baby looked healthy. She said, "He looks great!" I was relieved hearing that the baby was healthy.... Then replayed the words back in my mind- he was fine? Why did she say "he?" The nurse showed us the reason for her choice of words. Sure enough- a little boy is on the way.

Jen was as heartbroken as Gabe was happy. She was certain that it was a girl. She had everything picked out and knew exactly what the room was going to look like. I warned her about the dangers of doing that, but those warnings went unheeded. She said the thought of a boy never crossed her mind for the past month or so. As stated in an earlier post, I think that I had become so at peace with having a daughter, that I may had convinced myself that a daughter was coming. Initially, I had thoughts and feelings of another boy. Maybe I was preparing myself for a girl, but I must say that I was slightly shocked by it all too.

It was really awesome to have the opportunity to see the baby and know it was a boy so early in the pregnancy. We got to see the evidence of a little boy using the 3D ultrasound yesterday afternoon. Disturbingly enough, we could see more clearly using the standard ultrasound. We will definitely go back again later in the pregnancy to really get a good view of the baby before birth.

It's going to take Jen a day or so to fully wrap her mind around the events of Saturday. We are now working through the list of names for our boy. We are confident in using Jacob, because that is what my Dad has always called me. I am not sure why, and if you ask him, he doesn't know either. He just started doing it one day and never stopped. We thought it would be nice to name him after me, but without naming him Michael. We now are searching for middle names.

I have scoured the history of the New York Yankees to find an association that Jen would use without any success... Thus far, she has said no to the following:

Jacob Mickey Rogerson/Jacob Mantle Rogerson (Mickey Mantle)
Jacob Louis Rogerson/Jacob Gehrig Rogerson (Lou Gehrig)
Jacob Joseph Rogerson/DiMaggio Rogerson (Joe DiMaggio)
Jacob Thurman Rogerson (Thurman Munson)
Jacob Jeter Rogerson (Derek Jeter)
Jacob Reggie Rogerson/Jacob Jackson Rogerson (Reggie Jackson)
Jacob Whitey Rogerson/Jacob Ford Rogerson (Whitey Ford)
Jacob Mariano Rogerson (Mariano Rivera)
Jacob Yogi Rogerson/Jacob Berra Rogerson (Yogi Berra)
Jacob Martin Rogerson (Billy Martin)
Jacob Casey Rogerson (Casey Stengal)

The only one that has worked thus far is Jacob Alex Rogerson. A-Rod better bring me home a World Series this year and be a major contributor this year...

Jacob Liam Rogerson is the frontrunner right now. Your thoughts and name combos are welcome. I will compile a list of all the names we receive from everyone and comment on each one in a future post if people contribute. I would encourage you to do so!

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. Another post soon!


Friday, August 14, 2009

Sweet Child O' Mine

Nothing like a little Guns N Roses to start off the next post...

Jennifer is 15 weeks pregnant as of today. We are going to have a 3D ultrasound tomorrow to finally find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Initially, we were scheduled to go on Monday, but we really wanted Gabriel to be there for the event. It is important to be as involved as possible and he is as excited as we are.

We are going to make an event of it. We will be traveling to Franklin tomorrow midday to eat at my favorite restaurant, Noshville! If you have not been there, it is the closest thing to a NY-styled delicatessen as there can be in the south. The best food and cheesecake imaginable. Afterward, it on our way to 4-D Peek to see the baby.

Just so you know, Jen has even bought a couple of girl outfits! I keep daring her to keep buying things for a girl as if it will jinx her- "Go ahead and buy it, honey." Then adding a wry comment after the fact like: "Just be sure to keep the receipt!" That said, EVERYONE is hoping for a girl. Everyone in Jennifer's family. Everyone in my family. Everyone, except Gabe and I. We are sticking together and this is shaping up just like we like it- us against the world! Gabe wants a little brother and I want another boy too. Why? Because I am afraid of having a girl...

Everyone tells me that daddy's LOVE little girls. They say girls cling to their fathers and fathers adore their daughters. Fathers will do anything to make them happy. They cannot get enough of their daughters and I always hear that a man's life will never be the same. That is EXACTLY what I am fearful about!

With Gabriel, I do my best to treat him like a little man. As an example, I recently taught him how to use my power drill as he helped me rebuild our fence. He loves helping me change the oil the cars and motorcycles as well. As he gets older, I will teach him how to be a gentlemen to women and a leader of men, holding steadfast to the foundation being laid on a daily basis.

With a daughter, I turn into a pushover. The easy mark for a daughter to get what she wants, even if Mom has told her "no" already. I have seen glimpses of this over the past two years while coaching Gabriel's baseball team. Last year, there was a beautiful girl named Kaylee that stole my heart. She had long flowing blonde hair, brown eyes, and was always smiling and have a great time. She made me melt without even trying. I commented to Jen at that time that having a girl wouldn't be so bad if she was like Kaylee...

This year, I had a very shy, introverted girl named Claire on our team that was very quiet. I did everything I could to make her open up and by the end of the season, she was awesome to be around. However, Sloan was my pride and joy this year. Each week she would come to practice and games with her pink batting helmet and bat. She was adorable with her bows that she used to tie her sleeves up on her shoulder. More than just a pretty little girl, she was a remarkable player too! Very gifted athletically, she was chasing after the ball, scooping it up, and hurling it across the infield to get outs. She had graceful movements for a 6-year-old and thoroughly enjoyed playing. She never stopped hustling at a practice or game. She truly stole my heart. Sloan made me truly acceptant to having a daughter- as long as she was like Sloan...

We will be bringing home pics and videos of the event. I will post a couple online ASAP for all to see and enjoy.

Will post again soon!


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Did You Get My Message?

Preface: Great tune by Jason Mraz on the album entitled, "MR.AZ." If you haven't already, please check it out ASAP!

It's amazing how adapted we get to technology. If you have been keeping up with my posts, you know that I have not been using Twitter all that long. I grew into it slowly, and before I knew what happened, I was waiting for the next update from the Sklar Brothers (great comedy duo) for my daily fix of a wry quip of a topical news story. Until Thursday, life was going quite well. All of a sudden, I notice that I havent received any messages in a few hours. Strange, because typically I would have heard something from Jay Mohr (another great comedian) or my sister (who can be a comedian at times). Crickets- I got nothing all morning.

Being in technical support, I review all my training: verified coverage, data sessions, etc. Complete a soft reset of my device. Still nothing. I removed the UberTwitter application from and added it back to the device. Zip. I then try to go online using the device and try to access Twitter's site. Zilch. I head home for lunch and now try to check the site on my computer. Nada.

I text my sister to figure out if our little bird-friend is okay. By the time I hear back from her, she has confirmed what I have been reading while on my lunch break: Twitter is down. This can't be happening. I know it has a few glitches that I can deal with, but DOWN? Yes- thanks to a computer dork... ahem... "hacker" crashing the server. No worries, it will be online again soon. I can pass the time, right?

Turns out, I couldn't. I was consistently check the site to see when it was back online. Finally Thursday evening, it was back online, but still a bit sluggish. Understandable. It's going to take time to fix the issue and get everything back into working condition again.

Friday rolls around and I check my device mid-morning. Hmm. Niet. Interesting, because I was getting random updates on UberTwitter. I would look down and see 45 new updates. Odd. Still not able to send an update through UberTwitter. I check with kid sis and she says her iPhone is updating Twitter without issue. DEAR GOD- Please let it not be UberTwitter! I download Twitterberry, which I could use as a backup until UberTwitter is working again. Twitterberry is not letting me update effectively either.

Turns out that there may be a residual issue with the Blackberry interface with Twitter, which is nice. This is day 2 of not being able to send updates. Now the 3 people who care about my updates won't know if I am okay. Sure, I could PICK UP THE PHONE AND CALL or TXT a person, but that takes much more effort. That is a pathetic statement, isn't it?

I really hope this gets resolved soon. Then I can get back to feeling self-important: updating people who generally don't care that I am doing something they could care less about in a timely manner...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting!

Preface: Notice that all of my recent posts have ties to a song? I like the thread and will be continuing it as long as possible!

Ok- I know that I just posted yesterday, but I am trying to post more often. I am currently watching the preliminary fight expose for UFC 101 an thought I would share my opinions on the co-main event fights for Saturday night.

Forrest Griffin v. Anderson Silva

I like Forrest Griffin as a person a lot. I like what he brings to the UFC. The former Light-Heavyweight Champion brings the "every man" personality to the table and he relishes being in a good fight. He always comes prepared for a battle in the octagon and refuses to give up. To sum it up quickly- he is the Rocky Balboa of the UFC. I am impressed by his heart and sheer desire to win. How can you not like this guy?

Again, I like Forrest Griffin a lot, but I LOVE Anderson "The Spider" Silva. The reigning Middleweight Champion is unquestionably the best pound for pound fighter in the world today. His striking ability is impetuous and lands about 80% of all of the strikes that he throws and kicks. He has some incredible victories over some of the best fighters the UFC has to offer. He has completely cleared out the 185 weight class leaving no one available to even contend for a title shot. He has dominated several fighters that previously fought at 205 pounds. He makes great fighters look awkward, ridiculous and outclassed.

When these guys meet, both have something to prove. Griffin wants to win this fight to prove that he is a threat to regain the Light Heavyweight Championship. Silva is fighting the criticism of his last two performances, which were underwhelming to his standards. This could potentially be the fight that we see history in the making. I can see different scenarios in which Forrest Griffin wins the fight. Griffin is the much bigger fighter at 205, when it comes to his frame. He has the chance to lean on Silva and use his size to control the fight. He also has the power to end the night early with one powerful blow. However I see Silva winning in numerous ways. His striking is deadly accurately and his Muay Thai stand-up style could pose a lot of problems for Griffin. On the ground, Silva is clearly the better fighter, but the size difference that Griffin has over Silva may negate Silva's prowess as a black belt in Jui-Jitsu.

Prediction: Silva TKO over Griffin in Round 2.

BJ Penn v. Kenny Florian

BJ Penn is looking to defend the Lightweight Championship in what should be considered one of the biggest fights of his career. Coming of a forgettable loss to Georges St. Pierre (moving up to the Welterweight Class for the fight), his corner did not allow him to continue the fight. His conditioning has always been the big question mark throughout his career. Otherwise, BJ Penn has all the skills a person can train for: strong striking, defends well, and has an incredible ground game.

Kenny Florian is a great fighter as well. His conditioning is never in question. He has continued to get better and better for each subsequent fight over the past 6 fights. He is the type of guy that you like to see fight because you know you are going to get a strong performance out of him for each fight. While not the world-class skills of BJ Penn, his ground skills are nothing to snicker about.

This fight will come down to which BJ Penn arrives for the fight on Saturday night. I have to think that Penn has learned his lesson after the last fight against St. Pierre, but I am going to go against the grain and choose Kenny Florian to upset him and take the lightweight title.

Prediction: Florian over Penn by unanimous decision.

That said- I want to get something else off my chest pertaining to MMA: What is going on with Fedor Emelianenko? Why in God's name would you NOT sign with the UFC? These other organizations are not even on the map. I can't figure out how to even find the fights in order to watch. Sick and tired of hearing people blow up this guy saying he is the best fighter in the world, I have a major problem calling someone the best in the world if the are continually ducking the UFC. Instead of fighting the best fighters in the world, he continues to fight the rejects that have been casted off by the only organization that is well represented in the industry. Dana White is right calling this guy a joke. He offered him everything under the sun to come fight the best in the world, but he declined. As far as I am concerned, I will not entertain any argument from his fans about his status in the world of MMA.

Looking forward to Saturday night. My boy, Joe has a reserved table at Buffalo Wild Wings her in Murfreesboro- the only reserved table in the building. I feel like such a VIP when I sit there because we are always treated well by the BWW staff. This should be a great event for the UFC. Long live the best MMA company in the world continuing to put the best fighters together event after incredible event!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Our House- In the Middle of this Unpaved Street

If I may, I would like to write a parody of the great song, "The Long and Winding Road," written by Lennon/McCartney:

The short and bumpy road
That leads to my door
Will never be paved
I've seen this mess before
It always leads me to tears
Pave the road some more!

If you can't sing these lyrics this to the tune, please check it out (not available on iTunes) and try again...

I have been thinking that I haven't had much to write about lately. I wasn't sure what to do. I knew it had been a while, but nothing was coming to mind... Therefore, I have our neighborhood builder to thank for this post:

This is my newly paved street. Beautiful, isn't it? By beautiful, I mean reprehensible. I left the house after lunch to return to work and within hours my street went from a horrible work in progress that has lasted for the past 4 years to this mess. I didn't think it could get any worse than this. I guess this is what we get after putting up with a construction throughway for the past 4 years. It's like the guys didn't even try to do it correctly and only finished part of the street. Instead, they arbitrarily paved what they felt like paving and called it a day. The best part is that it was so poorly done, that huge rocks are being tossed all over the sides and undercarriage of each vehicle passing by.

Of course, this is just the norm for what we get in paying our homeowner's association fees. Each house pays in $250 each year and we have dead trees along side the medians, a field that has grown taller than my privacy fence behind me, and this for a roadway to show for it. Not an inviting look if you want to sell houses in the back of the neighborhood if you ask me.

We have seen this before- one day that they were digging up our ornate black mailboxes. With only about 24 houses in our subdivision at the time, I came home from work one lunch to see a group of workers digging up our beautiful black iron mailboxes. These mailboxes were wonderful and really dressed up the neighborhood to give it a very dignified look. To make matters worse, the were replacing them by inserting a cheap standard mailbox on a thin black pole. They began to come up to my mailbox and I advised them to stay off my property or I would call the police. If needed I would file an injunction to prohibit them form changing the mailboxes. I immediately contacted the homeowner's association and advised them to stop until we could come to an agreement to this problem. The builders' argument was that the Post Office were classifying these mailboxes as substandard and would have to be replaced. I countered by stating that I bought the house and by doing so, paid for that specific mailbox. Furthermore, there were several other neighborhoods that had the same mailbox and they were not losing their for the same reason. I rallied the neighbors together to raise the issue to the association as a community. We came to an agreement that they would brick each mailbox to coordinate with the brick on each home. Imagine my surprise when I learned that the builder did not have enough money allocated to purchase the same mailboxes for the entire neighborhood and decided to go a cheaper route. That was the first sign of things to come.

Another example is the first time the builders dug up a water main in the middle of the street several times over the past 4 years. Each time, the road has been unnavigable for several days. Once completed, they pour tons of gravel rock into the hole and leave it that way for months. Finally, they pave the patch, only to dig it up again and again.

Unfortunately, I don't believe that this episode will be any different than the previous. Hopefully, the neighborhood will rally again if necessary. If I have to, I will beat the pavement in order to have them finish the pavement...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

10 Weeks In...

It's been an amazing beginning to the pregnancy for Jen and I. It's been quite easy for me because I don't have the side effects of the pregnancy. My back is a bit sore, but it's an ongoing issue that I have been dealing with for quite some time. Otherwise, I feel great! I wish I could say the same for Jen, but I cannot. Unfortunately for her, this pregnancy has been hard on her. She hasn't felt really since before all of the shots she took back in April. I keep reminding her that the worse she feels, the healthier the baby must be by absorbing all of her energy. She reluctantly agrees with me. Quite honestly, that baby is being quite stingy. Poor Jen can't go to long in a day before needing a nap and is pretty nauseous throughout the day. Hopefully that will end soon because we will soon be out of the first trimester.

The upcoming baby room is still riddled with office supplies, hardwood pieces left over from finishing the den, cast-off clothing that we have not rid ourselves of yet, and purses... Yes, the purses. There are dozens of purses that are in the baby closet at this time. If you need a purse to match an outfit for an engagement, Jen and her "purse pagoda" has what you are looking for! Pink, green, yellow, Coach, Dooney & Bourke. You name it, she has it. Thankfully, it's her mother's doing and is her enabler. You know me- I still have the same wallet from 3 years ago.

We finally moved out the queen-sized bed and it has been replaced by a beautiful espresso-colored crib. That was truly the first time that it really sunk in that our family is actually going to grow soon. Now we have added the dresser, which has simply added to the reality. After four years, our dreams are coming true.

Now what are we going to do with the rest of the stuff in the baby's room? We have about 6 months to figure it out. Hey- if you are looking for a purse, let me know and I will look through our "catalog" to see if we have one that's right for you!

Take care and God bless-

Sunday, June 28, 2009

An Unbelievable Week

I don't think I have ever lived through a week where so many celebrities have left us as I have this week. If you don't mind, I will give you a quick retrospective from My Perception of Reality. Prior to that we will play word association with each of them:

Ed McMahon: Johnny Carson
Farrah Fawcett: Dad's Poster (strange, but I will explain)
Michael Jackson: Mowtown 25- Jackson's Moonwalk Moment
Billy Mays: Signature tag line, "Hi, Billy Mays here for ___."

On June 23, the world lost Ed McMahon. I will remember him mostly from being on "The Tonight Show," but we cannot forget "Star Search," "Bloopers & Practical Jokes," and that sweepstakes deal. While I do remember him for the aforementioned shows, he was not a huge part of my world. I am just too young to have a strong fondness for him. That also wasn't terribly surprising because he was not doing well for some time.

The morning of June 25 took Farrah Fawcett from us. I remember her almost like I do McMahon- "Charlie's Angels," but a little less, oddly enough. The one thing I remember most was age 13 or so and rummaging around in the attic looking through all of the boxes. I found all of these cool toys my father had a a child (especially the Civil War Army set- where is that Dad?) and suddenly saw a poster of this amazing woman with the biggest smile I had ever seen. The iconic poster had been in my attic for years and I had no idea. How funny is that? However, her passing was not surprising either. Her story had been chronicled as well over the last several months.

As it turned out, June 25 was more greedy that we had ever imagined. It became more monumental. Relaxing with my family in my in-laws' pool, I hear the unforgettable news that Michael Jackson was no longer with us as well. That guy, I remember! Now I am getting personally affected by the week's events. I now stop playing with Gabriel in the pool because I want to be clear that what I am seeing is true. Unbelievable. The tortured man that had morphed from a pop icon into a strange Howard Hughes-like figure. By this stage of his life, I believe that he was known more for merely being Michael Jackson than the pop icon I knew as a child.

The MJ I knew blasted out the greatest record of all-time when I was an impressionable youth. Virtually all of "Thriller" was nothing more than hit after hit after hit. Completely different sounding material throughout, but collectively, set the stage for all music since its release. He was the Elvis and Beatles of my generation and shaped our culture in ways no one would have ever imagined. He was also the first black artist to be played on MTV. I can distinctly remember the videos for "Billie Jean," "Beat It," "Thriller," "Bad," and several others perfectly like there is a VHS tape in my mind. Jen and I had just introduced Gabriel to him a couple of weeks ago...

It's always amazing to see people come out of the woodwork when someone like him dies. All of these athletes and celebrities paying homage, saying that he was one of their favorites and have all of his records, and the like. I call B.S. I do not believe it for a moment. All of his records? Seriously? Don't disgrace him and don't play me for a fool. His past few records were mere blips on the radar. Most of these people would not have been caught in public rocking his material for fear of an image crisis.

Now, it's in fashion to be a Michael Jackson fan. Last week, many would have said he was a freak and see him more as an alleged child molester. I have always seen him as a person with an amazing gift, never with the chance to enjoy his youth, and now living to recapture all that he never experienced. Most who know me know that I believe that he was living in a world where he could be an 8-year-old. If you listened to him speak and truly listened to his thoughts, he saw the world differently than we do as adults. He thought it was okay to have little kids sleep over in his house and in his own bed? He loved climbing trees? This guy was the ultimate Peter Pan. He named his estate Neverland Ranch! He was a boy trapped in a 50-year-old body and incarcerated by his own fame. It is quite a depressing story if you really think about it.

Today, I wake up to the news that Billy Mays has passed away. I think I have had just about enough. At this point, I am in a state of shock. I loved that guy. He was freaking awesome. He was the Elvis, Beatles, and MJ of the TV pitch! This guy was absolutely amazing to watch. I was always wanting to buy something this guy was hocking whenever I saw him on TV. That is, until I got a Tivo and could fast forward past him.

Then I saw commercials for the show "Pitchmen," starring Mays and Anthony Sullivan. They would find an item to pitch, complete production, and tell the inventor whether it was a success. That was a show I had to watch. These guys were awesome to watch. Their interactions were to great and both of them had little quirks about them that gave them a personal connection to their audience. The show is absolutely remarkable and I am looking forward to buying several of the products I see on the show.

There is a new episode of "Pitchmen" on my TV recorded this morning. It's going to have to wait a while...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A New Window to the World

I love technology. I love finding tools, gizmos, and gadgets that make life faster, easier, or more fun. I love text messaging because it allows communication at a distance and adds to the instant gratification our society desires. Heck- blogging allows me to write an open letter to all people interested and keep a bizarre type of 21st Century diary...

For quite some time, my sister has been on me to join Twitter. She has been on it for quite a while and has told me that I really need to be a part of it. What's in it for me? Her response was simple- "It allows you to tell everyone what you're doing." Okay, but why do I really want to do that? I don't really care to know all of that about anyone. But- she is my sister and she is quite tech savvy as well, so I opened an account several months ago. I started to create my account and had to provide and email address and my cell number if I wanted my updates delivered to my phone. That wasn't something I was looking forward to divulging. I have an easy email address and an even easier cell number. If I am forced to change it because my info was sold to some marketing company, I am not going to be happy about it. After creating my account, I immediately chickened out and closed my account. How pathetic is that? I didn't like having to provide that information.

Months later, I was listening to my favorite radio show and heard Coach John Calipari (a guest on the show) give out his Twitter ID to follow him on his transition to Kentucky. I like him a lot and he has such an inspiring vibe about him. So I rejoined Twitter and began to follow him. Obviously, I also began to follow my sister, mother, and a couple of others that I knew had accounts. Then it clicked. I got it. I realized that this was one step further from society. Allow me to explain.

In the past, we communicated face-to-face. Next, telephones allowed us to communicate verbally without any visual contact. Then we create the Web and email, which eliminates the verbal communication provided by telephone. It also allows for one to send a message when time permits and the recipient to read whenever they have time. SMS (or text messaging) became vogue as a short message that allows a person to communicate is written bursts. Make a statement, go about your business. Instantly respond and continue what you are doing. Another step away from personal communication. Finally, Twitter- basically the most impersonal way to communicate to others. Now we can just shoot out a mass message that is not directed toward anyone in particular.

People have continuously said that the Web has brought the world closer together, but the converse is also true. We no longer have any real need for personal communication. We are able to distance and isolate ourselves further and further from one another. We can hide behind keyboards and shield ourselves with our cell phones. It is quite disheartening. Is it any wonder that people are so depressed living in a world where we continue separate ourselves from one another?

That said- I have thoroughly enjoyed Twitter. I am having a great time with it. If you wish to follow me, you may. Search for me: @mrogerson. I would appreciate it. I am making my sister proud. Thanks, Michelle- I am not sure what you have done to me and I am not sure if it is for better or worse. I guess we will see as time drifts on...

Get out of the tech world for a minute or two and do something novel- give someone a hug! That should be more instantly gratifying than any technological advance in our society.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Meet Virginia

In less than 48 hours, I will be returning back to the house I grew up in for quite possibly the last time. It will be quite strange to leave the only house that I truly remember. All of the memories that I have would the least thing I carry out of the house.

It has been an amazing relationship between that house and I. The both look completely than the first time we met. It was a brick front with compressed board side and back with a sloping back yard into a small creek. There were no trees in front. The kitchen was cramped and it also had a dining room and living room combination that lead into the foyer and den. It only had 3 small bedrooms and 1 bathroom to share. The hall ended at my bedroom door and my parents door was directly in front of mine.

I was a 4 year-old kid that loved to entertain and perform for anyone that would be willing to watch. I learned to ride a two-wheel bike in front and played basketball on the goal at the edge of the driveway. I met the school bus for the first time at the edge of the driveway.

The house grew into a 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with an extended kitchen, an office transformed from a living room, and a greenhouse window as I grew into a kid who broke the same window in the front with a baseball. Trees were planted in the front yard and would do my homework in my bedroom after school.

As time passed, the house started showing its age in different ways. The linoleum and carpet were upgraded and the trees in front were removed as I left to enlist in the Air Force. We hardly recognize each other anymore. The faux wood walls are now being replaced for sheet rock walls as I have replaced my earring for a salt and pepper goatee.

We often cross paths over the years, reminiscing on the good times we shared. This time, we have a lot of catching up to do. I will miss the old girl. It was the first house that Gabriel ever stayed in when we came to Virginia. The street in front of the house was both my field of dreams for baseball and the gridiron of our touch football games. The memories will always be fond but when the time comes to cross over the threshold for the last time, It will be like losing a member of the family.

I can't wait to see the old girl and will thankfully have my wish request to pay my respects...

See many of you soon!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Starting a Revolution

It was a fantastic Sunday here in Tennessee. It was quite sunny and not too hot outside. After looking at baby furniture with Jennifer this afternoon, I needed to mow the lawn before our trip to Virginia next week. I waited until around 6pm to let the sun start the process of resting over Tennessee and began to mow the front yard. While I mow the lawn I can relax, listen to the iPod and let my mind wander and allow it to have a recess from the daily activities.

After the front was completed, I caught myself thinking about my neighbors. The patriarch is was laid off due to the failing economy. He found some work in Louisiana that keeps him away from home several weeks out of the month. Every few weeks, I see him with his family for a few days and he's off again trying to be a good husband and provide for his family. I thought that it would be a nice gesture to help his family out by cutting his front yard for his family. The wife and children were not home, so I figured that it would be a great time to do something for them without them knowing about it. I was not looking for any credit- just the idea of doing something for someone in need would be something that we should do more for one another.

I brought my mower over and quickly cut the front. In and out- like a sniper completing a clandestine mission. It didn't take long. About 20 minutes was all it took to do something nice for someone. It really got me to thinking about our society...

I don't have a lot of money to help someone- but that is not what this is really about. It's about giving someone something that you cannot get back. It's the one thing which everyone on earth is given the same amount. It's the gift that you cannot keep, the currency you cannot save, and the great equalizer of the rich and poor: time. Giving your time means much more than money. If someone has millions of dollars and gives a hundred thousand to a cause, it is a nice gesture. But did it really hurt to give that amount? You have millions to to still go home to at the end of the night. Just like the parable of the widow: Jesus said the woman humbly giving all she had left despite the amount was more than the pharisee proudly giving much more.

What if each of us began to do something nice for someone without looking for any return? How would this world be different? The payoff for taking 5 or 10 minutes out of your day to do something for someone could be tenfold! I am challenging each person that reads this blog take 5 to 10 minutes out of their day sometime this week and give a part of yourself to someone you work with, a neighbor, or even a stranger. There is a reward that you get that is better than money and recognition- it is letting someone know that you care. It may be the one thing that changes their mind from doing something regrettable. It may be the the thing that someone needs to lift up their spirits on an otherwise tough road they are traveling. It lets them know that even if they feel isolated and alone, there is hope even in the darkest hour.

Leave a reply and let me know what YOU did to make someone else's life better!

Thanks for reading...


Monday, June 1, 2009

IVF Success Story

There is good news: the Rogerson family will be growing soon! Jen and I completed our IVF treatment and it was an overwhelming success! We found out that she is officially pregnant on Friday. The jubilation I thought I would feel is not here. Instead, I feel relief. Relief? It was like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders and I was finally able to catch a full breath. I could finally rest without worry. I was as relaxed as I have ever been in the past few years. Yeah- I thought that was strange too, but allow me to explain.

It has been about 4 1/2 years since we started trying to conceive. We have taken every pill, changed eating habits, tested monthly, and used every method possible to try to have children. We have seen more doctors about our issues than I would have ever dreamed. Jen completed a regimen of shots 2-3 shots per day that she thought was impossible a year ago. So when the time came to get the call from the doctor's office, I had been through all of the stress I could deal with. It was truly weighing the both of us down. It was consuming Jen over the past few years and I could do nothing but continue to use the same words to console her as I did every month. 

Transfer day approached and we went into the doctor's office. They gave me a pair of scrubs and allowed me to go into the operating room. Jen did not want me to wear my Yankee cap under the cloth cap, but she did not have a choice in the matter. The Yankee cap was going into the operating room as well. Just prior to performing the returning the embryos transfer, the doctors allowed me to see them inside the incubation chamber. They were textbook-perfect embryos from what the doctors told us. It was truly amazing to see. When you are able to see that first-hand, you know without a doubt that a life starts at conception. We also got a picture of the embryos as well- the earliest baby pictures ever! It was a pretty awesome day.

It had finally came down to a 30 second voicemail left to us from a doctor's office. So when we listened to the voicemail that would change our lives forever, it was more a sigh of relief than excitement.

I thought Jen was going to be concerned about my emotional reaction, but surprisingly she was the same way. Her reaction was more of a state of shock than relief, but the relief was there. I saw a relaxed look from her that I have not seen in quite a while. Rest assured- we are both quite happy that this day has come. The excitement will surely permeate through the relief in the coming weeks as we get closer to see if we will be having twins. That would be fantastic! We are looking forward to finding out and I will keep you posted. 

Thank you to everyone that continued to pray for us throughout the past several years. Your support does not go unnoticed and we are indebted to you always. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

IVF- The Time Has Come

Jennifer and I have finally started the medications for our IVF cycle in April. For starters, we had to take a Z-Pack in order to kill any bacteria in our bodies. That was easy- just a bunch of pills to take over a 5 day period. Then it was on to the next step- shots.

As you are aware, Jen is morbidly afraid of shots. The fact that she must go through a series of shots to complete the IVF cycle is appropriate because it is what Jen fears the most- needles. The shots that she is taking is administered through the body using a syringe that matches an insulin needle. It also must be administered in the stomach area. Of course- she is not going to do the shots herself, so I have been enlisted to perform the action on her behalf. That did not make me happy becuase I hate putting her through this discomfort and pain. 

The first time was very tough. I hated doing it because I know how much she dreaded it. She did a great job considering the circumstances. I was proud at the way she handled herself. I did a decent job with the first one, but got much better as the days progressed. Jen is getting better about taking the shots as well. She was not freaking out all that much after the first week.

This week she started the new medicine: Bravelle, which requires a larger needle and more liquid being injected. Jen began to freak out a bit and I finally administered the second shot to her. This one hurt a lot more. So much so, that when she took the first injection she laughed because she had a reference of what was really painful. She has made it through 3 of the Bravelle shots and now must double the dosage. Therefore, she must now take a Bravelle shot in the morning and evening. She is showing great fortitude and I have been encouraging her each step of the way. Keep us in your prayers- we are getting closer to the big day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eating Fish-One Step at a Time

Each week Jen and I go to the store, I enjoy looking at the seafood case in our local Publix Grocery Store. The people are very knowledgeable  and I have become more and more curious in trying some of the fish in the case. Over the past several weeks, I finally decided to buy a piece of salmon. I figured that it would only cost a few dollars to try it- what do I have to lose?
With the butcher's help, we found a great piece for me to try for about $3.00. If I learned one thing catching, boiling, and eating crabs, I learned that I cannot cook seafood without having a lot of Old Bay Seasoning. I picked up a bottle of Old Bay and placed it with my fish. I learned that I only had to cook the fish about 8 minutes so as to not dry it out. A day later, I returned home to eat lunch and determined that this was the day that I was going to eat my salmon. I prepared my skillet by using about 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I then liberally covered my salmon with Old Bay, pepper, and salt. Placing it in the skillet, it immediately started to cook and blacken nicely. I flipped it over once and after about 8 minutes, pulled it off the stove. Much to my surprise, it was quite wonderful! The seasoning was fantastic which reminded me of my grandfather, which made it so much better. I have cooked it a couple of times since then and it has been great each time. My parents and sister are vegetarians, so I told my dad that a day that I do not eat beef, pork, or chicken should be praised. I really don't think fish should count. It's FISH. I am eating less mammal and bird in order to  adding fish to my normal cooking routine.

I am starting to feel a bit more adventurous from a taste perspective. If I can eat salmon, what else should I try? Well, that question was answered when we went to Fuji Japanese Steakhouse tonight. Still feeling wild in the tastebud department. I told Jen that I was interested in trying sushi tonight. Anyone that knows me understands that I am very particular about what my food in consistancy, and eating food cold is not something that I am not comfortable with, but I felt that it was the right time to try something new. I finally decided on an Alaskan Roll- salmon, avocado, and cucumber wrapped in seaweed and rice. Why not? I now know that I like salmon, but not very sure about avocado...

The waitress finally brings my plate out and I take my first bite into the world of raw fish. It actually did not have a lot of flavor whatsoever. I added some wasabi, which I did not really taste either. After adding a bit of soy sauce, I ate all 6 pieces on the plate. Amazingly, it is a lot heavier on the stomach than I anticipated. I was pretty full after 6 pieces. It was actually decent. I doubt that it is something that I will ever crave, but it was something that I plan on eating again sometime.  I will have to find another type that may be more pleasing, but I would definitely eat more of it in the future. Who knows what I may try next? Talk to you again soon!